Modern Defensive Firearms Academy presents:
Basic Firearms Skills for Actors – Handgun – Tactical Rifle - Shotgun
Actors are often called upon to carry, present and use a variety of firearms in
dynamic situations. Frequently, on all but big-budget productions, ensuring that
actors demonstrate skill and familiarity with firearms is an afterthought at best,
usually to the detriment of the finished production, (and sometimes the actor’s
personal reputation). A large percentage of audiences (especially American) can
instantly spot a “non-shooter” by his or her lack of gun handling skill. This course
will teach the basics of firearms carry, presentation and manipulation to actors
and those with a need to demonstrate proficiency with firearms for theatrical
These are non-shooting classes. Police-approved “Blue Guns”, which are inert and
dimensionally identical to the real thing, will be provided for course use, along
with realistically functioning replicas. No live ammunition will be allowed to be
present during the class.
Handgun – (Classes will be scheduled for weekday evenings. Check this page, or
our Facebook page here for date, location and time. Next Handgun class will be
offered in early March).
The 1.5-hour Handgun course will cover:
• Firearm safety
• Muzzle awareness
• The semi-auto pistol & the revolver: Proper grip, stance and body position
• Proper loading and unloading
• Chamber check (press check)
• Sight alignment
• Trigger finger placement
• Tactical mindset
• Presentation from the holster & re-holstering
• Low ready and compressed ready positions
• Use of handheld lights
• Basic Movement
No previous experience with firearms is necessary.
The intent of this course is to take the inexperienced or casual shooter and give
them a foundation in pistol craft that will enable them to be safe, proficient
and comfortable with the common types of pistols and revolvers in use today in
movies, television and theater productions.
Course attendees will be able to demonstrate a high degree of competency, and
equally importantly, a high degree of professionalism when handling theatrical/
prop firearms. We will make sure you LOOK GOOD when handling a firearm.
Who should take this class? Actors, stunt performers, producers, directors and
anyone who needs to ensure that the on-screen actions of actors working with
firearms is as realistic and professional-looking as possible.
Students who are interested in taking their education to the next level - live fire
training - will have the opportunity to sign up for basic through advanced training
in the Los Angeles area. Training can be customized to the student’s specific
needs and VIP packages are available for clients who require anonymity.
The instructors for this course have NRA training certifications as well as police,
military and civilian training and competition shooting backgrounds.